Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

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Art By Category

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Beauty of Benares
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The Beauty of Benares (2014)

48 in x 29 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Tejinder Kanda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Soft Pastel on Paper painting titled A Flirtatious Beauty- I
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A Flirtatious Beauty- I (2010)

27 in x 19 in, Soft Pastel on Paper

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping


Featured Collection

Contemporary Indian Art

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India has always been a major player in contemporary art. In this collection we curate some of the works by established artists from India. The collection includes 'Man with the Golden Flute' by Suman Gupta, 'Everyday Rituals in my Village', 'The Joy of Kite Flying', and 'Visit of the Goddess' by Arpita Basu, 'The Stranger' and 'To Catch The Moon' by Amiya Bhattacharya, 'The Stallion' by Ajay De and 'Ethereal Benares at Night' by Tejinder Kanda


tempera on canvas painting titled After the bath
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After the bath (2015)

36 in x 18 in, tempera on canvas

By Anjan Patra

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Mother's Love
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A Mother's Love (2006)

36 in x 36 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Sibsaday Chaudhuri

*Price of original artwork including shipping


 Art Finder

Art By Media

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Gentle Fantasy
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A Gentle Fantasy (2008)

44 in x 43 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Kazi Nasir

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Charcoal on Paper painting titled Woman I- III
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Woman I- III (2014)

60 in x 20 in, Charcoal on Paper

By Prasenjit Sengupta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Tempera On Canvas painting titled The Last Sipper
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The Last Sipper (2016)

36 in x 48 in, Tempera On Canvas

By Anjan Patra

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed Media on Paper painting titled Deeply Engrossed
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Deeply Engrossed (2017)

40 in x 60 in, Mixed Media on Paper

By Shashikant Dhotre

*Price of original artwork including shipping


Additions and Updates ...

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Portrait
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Portrait (2015)

12 in x 12 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Tapas Ghosal

*Price of original artwork including shipping


 Art Finder

Art By Country

Bronze painting titled Meditational Bliss
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Meditational Bliss (2010)

19 in x 12 in, Bronze

By Ashish Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping



Original Paintings and Prints
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Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Space between VII
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The Space between VII (2015)

30 in x 30 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Guru Kinkar Dhang

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Nature II
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Nature II (2012)

18 in x 16 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Swati Mukherjee

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil and arcylic on canvas painting titled Sunrise at the Ramnagar Fort, Varanasi
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Sunrise at the Ramnagar Fort, Varanasi (2015)

36 in x 48 in, Oil and arcylic on canvas

By Amit Bhar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Young Innocence V
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Young Innocence V (2017)

30 in x 60 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Anand Panchal

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Young Monk II
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The Young Monk II (2012)

20 in x 16 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Dewashish Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping


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