Pradeep Mishra, an artist from Mumbai believes in celebrating similarities among all living creatures and showing a respect for the glorious universe that one is blessed to inhabit. He focuses on the beauty and the grace of sometimes fantastic, sometimes commonplace birds and animals, and externalizes it through the message of peace and universal harmony.
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
Myna Kakar represents the following artists through the Verandah art gallery, Kolkata, India. If you are an artist looking to expand your representation, please send an inmail to Myna Kakar. To view a tabular list of represented artists, click here.
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- II (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
An Eternal Love- I (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
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An Eternal Love- II by Pradeep Mishra (2015)
48 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas
New artwork uploaded....Based on the everlasting universal bond among all living creatures, the artist has created a poetic composition using a photo-realistic style and a pair of cranes in black and white against a sanguine backdrop. It's a visually remarkable, joyful picture, celebrating love and life.
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An Eternal Love- I by Pradeep Mishra (2014)
78 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas
New artwork uploaded....This is a dazzlingly beautiful painting by talented artist Pradeep Mishra, highlighting joy, love and companionship. The storks act as a symbol for all living creatures and the large size affords a huge impact. The colors further accentuate the visual poetry of the harmonious composition.