Acrylic on Canvas painting titled In My Dream

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In My Dream (2015)
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(2015)   2D Visual Art ( Painting ) 
Acrylic on Canvas , 24 inch x 20 inch


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  cg artwork  mythology  fictional character  painting  art  illustration  verandah art  painting  the boutique gallery  art  dipak kumar roy  ujjwal debnath 

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Moonlight Romance
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A Moonlight Romance (2015)

32 in x 28 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Sagittarius I
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Sagittarius I (2016)

36 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Revelation II
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The Revelation II (2014)

48 in x 36 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Revelation II
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The Revelation II (2014)

48 in x 36 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Mahishasurmardini
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Mahishasurmardini (2015)

42 in x 24 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Lyrical Love Story I
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A Lyrical Love Story I (2018)

24 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Mesmerized by His Melody
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Mesmerized by His Melody (2015)

36 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Mahishasurmardini
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Mahishasurmardini (2015)

42 in x 24 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping


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In My Dream (2015)



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In My Dream (2015)

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In My Dream (2015)

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Acryllic on Canvas painting titled Mahishasur Mardini
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Mahishasur Mardini (2012)

36 in x 30 in, Acryllic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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    Sagittarius I by Ujjwal Debnath (2016)
    36 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

    ...Sagittarius, half human and half horse, is the centaur of mythology, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between earth and Heaven. Also known as the Archer, Sagittarius is represented by the symbol of a bow and arrow. Sagittarius (♐) (Greek: Τοξότης Toxotes, Latin: Sagittarius) is the ninth astrological sign, which is associated with the constellation Sagittarius and spans 240 - 270th degrees of the zodiac.



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    The Revelation by Ujjwal Debnath (2015)
    42 in x 42 in, Acrylic on Canvas

    ...On the first day of the war Krishna became Arjuna's Charioteer between the two armies of The Pandava and the Kaurava on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Lord Krishna revealed the Bhagvad Geeta, consisting of eighteen chapters, on which the Hindu philosophy is based. He preached that "Your duty is to fight. Those who have joined the forces against justice and righteousness have to perish. The good must be protected. Attachment to friends and relatives should not come in the way of your duty."



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    Mesmerized by His Melody by Ujjwal Debnath (2015)
    36 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

    ...This magical composition shows Lord Krishna as a child with his favourite cow & a flute, with a divine smile playing upon his lips. The beautiful full moon enhances the allure of the enchanting setting. It seems that not just the cow, but the entire universe is rejoicing in the young flutist's melody.



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    Durga by Ujjwal Debnath (2015)
    48 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

    ...'Durga', a resplendent compositions by Ujjwal Debnath is a compelling work, encapsulating the charming quality of the gracious multi-armed Goddess who is revered for her victory over the evil forces. The contrast of the golden yellow against the midnight blue further accentuates the dramatic visual element.



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    Ardhanariswar by Ujjwal Debnath
    42 in x 42 in, Oil and arcylic on canvas

    ...Ardhanarishvara (Sanskrit: अर्धनारीश्वर, Ardhanārīśvara) is a composite androgynous form of the Hindu god Shiva and his consort Parvati (also known as Devi, Shakti and Uma in this icon). Ardhanarishvara is depicted as half male and half female, split down the middle. The right half is usually the male Shiva, illustrating his traditional attributes. The earliest Ardhanarishvara images are dated to the Kushan period, starting from the first century CE. Its iconography evolved and was perfected in the Gupta era. The Puranas and various iconographic treatises write about the mythology and iconography of Ardhanarishvara. While Ardhanarishvara remains a popular iconographic form found in most Shiva temples throughout India, very few temples are dedicated to this deity. Ardhanarishvara represents the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies of the universe (Purusha and Prakriti) and illustrates how Shakti, the female principle of God, is inseparable from (or the same as, according to some interpretations) Shiva, the male principle of God. The union of these principles is exalted as the root and womb of all creation. Another view is that Ardhanarishvara is a symbol of Shiva's all-pervasive nature. [Source -Wikipedia]



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    The Divine Dance- I by Ujjwal Debnath (2015)
    36 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

    ...Charged with a cosmic energy, this depiction of the Divine Dance of Hindu God Shiva and his consort Parvati is a significant one. Shiva's dance represents destruction & creation of the universe, and highlights his ascetic as well as erotic nature,while his wife Parvati has a balancing, calming influence on him. This synergy of the two together brings about a state of deep meditation.




Ujjwal Debnath
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In My Dream (2015)

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In My Dream (2015)

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Prints for this artwork is disabled or not available. You may purchase a signed limited edition print from the artist direcltly if the artist provides such prints. You may also inquire with our support department if prints can be provided at a later date.

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Krishna's Updesh
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Krishna's Updesh (2013)

36 in x 30 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Mesmerised by His Melody
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Mesmerised by His Melody (2017)

23 in x 35 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Revelation II
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The Revelation II (2014)

48 in x 36 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping


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Myna Kakar represents the following artists through the Verandah art gallery, Kolkata, India. If you are an artist looking to expand your representation, please send an inmail to Myna Kakar. To view a tabular list of represented artists, click here.

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Lyrical Love Story I
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A Lyrical Love Story I (2018)

24 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Lyrical Love Story I
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A Lyrical Love Story I (2018)

24 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

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Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Parthasarathy
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Parthasarathy (2015)

24 in x 20 in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping


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