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A colorful portrait by Bornali Bhattacharjee

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 painting titled A colorful portrait


A colorful portrait
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2D Visual Art ( Photograph ) Image Resolution - 5719 x 3813 pixels.


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  art  illustration  religion  computer wallpaper  purulia district  hoysaleswara temple  wallpaper  illustration  image  bornali bhattacharjee 

 painting titled Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
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Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

By Bornali Bhattacharjee

 painting titled The caparisoned elephants!
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The caparisoned elephants!

By Bornali Bhattacharjee


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A colorful portrait

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The original artwork is not available for purchase. You can contact our support if you would like to request the artist to create a sequel for purchase. While we can inquire with the artist, the decission for providing an original sequel is soely upto the artist concerned.

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A colorful portrait

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Prints for this artwork is disabled or not available. You may purchase a signed limited edition print from the artist direcltly if the artist provides such prints. You may also inquire with our support department if prints can be provided at a later date.

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A colorful portrait

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Prints for this artwork is disabled or not available. You may purchase a signed limited edition print from the artist direcltly if the artist provides such prints. You may also inquire with our support department if prints can be provided at a later date.





Bornali Bhattacharjee
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A colorful portrait

Contact support@artplenty.com

Digital file is not available. You can contact our support if you would like to request the artist to provide a file. While we can inquire with the artist, the decission for providing a digital file is soely upto the artist concerned.

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A colorful portrait

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Prints for this artwork is disabled or not available. You may purchase a signed limited edition print from the artist direcltly if the artist provides such prints. You may also inquire with our support department if prints can be provided at a later date.


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