Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Africa

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Africa (2006)

30 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Chandra Bhattacharya

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Tempera on canvas board painting titled Tales of Love

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Tales of Love (2018)

32 in x 30 in, Tempera on canvas board

By Dhrubajyoti Baral

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on Paper painting titled A Secret Love Affair

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A Secret Love Affair (2019)

30 in x 20 in, Watercolour on Paper

By Arpita Basu

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Just A glimmer

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Just A glimmer (2016)

By Samantha Schurg

 painting titled Monsoon Trees

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Monsoon Trees

15 in x 11 in

By Tapos Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Fractals and Flowers

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Fractals and Flowers

By Jared Grauer

Pen & Ink on Paper painting titled A Nostalgic Countryside I

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A Nostalgic Countryside I (2016)

16.5 in x 13.5 in, Pen & Ink on Paper

By Snehangshu Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Water Color on Drawing Sheet painting titled Puri Jagannath

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Puri Jagannath (2012)

7 in x 9.25 in, Water Color on Drawing Sheet

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

arcylic on canvas painting titled Ethereal Trees II
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Ethereal Trees II (2015)

24 in x 24 in, arcylic on canvas

By Atish Thakur

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Khama (Forgiveness)
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Khama (Forgiveness)

31.5 in x 21.65 in

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Pretty in Pink
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Pretty in Pink (2016)

By Lance Naylor

 painting titled Nauryz. Feast of the Vernal Equinox
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Nauryz. Feast of the Vernal Equinox

By Galymjan Tleubergenov

Oil on Canvas painting titled Abstract I
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Abstract I (2005)

24 in x 24 in, Oil on Canvas

By Samindranath Majumdar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil colour on canvas paper.  painting titled Stilllife
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Stilllife (2018)

6" in x 9" in, Oil colour on canvas paper.

By Mahfuza khanoum.

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Carnation in Abstract.
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Carnation in Abstract. (2017)

By Lance Naylor

oil on canvas painting titled An Indian Mela I & II
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An Indian Mela I & II (2015)

21 in x 15 in, oil on canvas

By JMS Mani

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled His Grace I & II
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His Grace I & II (2014)

6 in x 6 each in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Bibek Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic and Charcoal on Board painting titled Untitled
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Untitled (2021)

9.8 in x 13.6 in, Acrylic and Charcoal on Board

By Sagnik Roy

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Tempest in a Teapot
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Tempest in a Teapot (2017)

By Lana McConnell

 painting titled The Young Beauty
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The Young Beauty

36 in x 30 in

By Sanatan Dinda