Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Oil on Canvas painting titled Untitled II

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Untitled II (2018)

36 in x 48 in, Oil on Canvas

By Anu Kulkarni

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas painting titled Celebration

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40 in x 36 in, Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas

By Kanchanmala Ghosh

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on Paper painting titled A Place of Wonder & Nostalgia

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A Place of Wonder & Nostalgia (2018)

15 in x 20 in, Watercolour on Paper

By Chandidas Bhattacharya

*Price of original artwork including shipping

steel painting titled Ironweed

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Ironweed (2016)

35 in x 14 in, steel

By Kenny Braitman

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Fibreglass on Teakwood painting titled Lotus Buds

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Lotus Buds (1999)

, Fibreglass on Teakwood

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on Canvas painting titled Buddha in Meditation

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Buddha in Meditation (2021)

16 in x 20 in, Mixed media on Canvas

By Arpa Mukhopadhyay

Watercolor on paper painting titled Oxum II

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Oxum II (2017)

11,7 in x 8,3 in, Watercolor on paper

By Silvia Kimo Costa

Oil on Canvas painting titled How-pale-the-substance-of-memory

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How-pale-the-substance-of-memory (2005)

30 in x 24 in, Oil on Canvas

By Samindranath Majumdar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on canvas  painting titled Beauty of village
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Beauty of village (2022)

40 in x 60 in, Acrylic on canvas

By Richard Anbudurai

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic & Embroidery on Canvas painting titled My City II
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My City II (2016)

30 in x 20 in, Acrylic & Embroidery on Canvas

By Vinita Karim

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil, charcoal & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Illusions II
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Illusions II (2013)

25 in x 25 in, Oil, charcoal & Acrylic on Canvas

By Shuvaprasanna

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil on Canvas painting titled Paradise after the Rains
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Paradise after the Rains (2018)

36 in x 32 in, Oil on Canvas

By Chaitali Chatterjee

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on paper painting titled Oxum
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Oxum (2017)

11,7 in x 8,3 in, Watercolor on paper

By Silvia Kimo Costa

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Graceful Nude
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The Graceful Nude (2015)

60 in x 60 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled I have Walked Many Years
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I have Walked Many Years (2006)

24 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Samindranath Majumdar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Adorning Myself I - IV
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Adorning Myself I - IV (2016)

12 in x 12 each in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Asit Sarkar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Leaf on the rocks
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Leaf on the rocks

By AB2Imagery

Acrylic on Oil Paper painting titled Nightscape
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Nightscape (2020)

10 in x 14 in, Acrylic on Oil Paper

By Arpa Mukhopadhyay

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Board  painting titled Untitled
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Untitled (2020)

14 in x 19.5 in, Acrylic on Board

By Sagnik Roy

 painting titled Blooming In Sunshine
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Blooming In Sunshine

By Arkaprabha Pal