Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled People in Love I

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People in Love I (2018)

10 in x 10 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Sachin Jaltare

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Clown with Bird at Riverbank

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Clown with Bird at Riverbank (2019)

48 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Biswajit Mondal

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas painting titled Shiva, Parvati & Nandi

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Shiva, Parvati & Nandi (2018)

48 in x 60 in, Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas

By Amol Pawar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Durga

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Durga (2015)

48 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping


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29 in x 22 in, ACRYLIC ON PAPER


*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Nostalgia of Love II

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Nostalgia of Love II (2020)

48 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Gautam Mukherjee

 Watercolor on Paper painting titled Ganesha I

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Ganesha I (2000)

10.5 in x 9.5 in, Watercolor on Paper

By Ganesh Basu

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Ruby Returns to Stardust
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Ruby Returns to Stardust (2016)

By Kathy Lynch

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Flow Of Love
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The Flow Of Love (2016)

30 in x 36 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Jagannath Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled A Sweet Bonding
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A Sweet Bonding (2015)

30 in x 48 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Jagannath Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Deep in the Forest
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Deep in the Forest

24 in x 48 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Umakant Kanade

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Glory of Harmony
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The Glory of Harmony (2016)

36 in x 60 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Jagannath Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil and arcylic on canvas painting titled A Picture of Grace
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A Picture of Grace (2015)

40 in x 30 in, Oil and arcylic on canvas

By Amit Bhar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on canvas painting titled A Memorable Innocence II
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A Memorable Innocence II (2015)

42 in x 44 in, Acrylic on canvas

By Anand Panchal

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Space between VII
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The Space between VII (2015)

30 in x 30 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Guru Kinkar Dhang

*Price of original artwork including shipping

arcylic on canvas painting titled The melody of our love
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The melody of our love (2015)

42 in x 48 in, arcylic on canvas

By Deepa Vedpathak

Tempera on canvas painting titled After the letter
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After the letter (2015)

36 in x 18 in, Tempera on canvas

By Anjan Patra

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Canvas painting titled Motherhood
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24 in x 19 in, Watercolor on Canvas

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled  Nothing but Love
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Nothing but Love (2016)

36 in x 54 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Jagannath Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil & Acrylic on Canvas painting titled A Divine Melody I & II
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A Divine Melody I & II (2018)

24 in x 10 (Each) in, Oil & Acrylic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Charcoal on paper painting titled The stallion
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The stallion (2015)

40 in x 30 in, Charcoal on paper

By Ajay De

Acrylics on Canvas painting titled Adding Colors to Life
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Adding Colors to Life (2011)

18 in x 24 in, Acrylics on Canvas

By isabelle babington

*Price of original artwork including shipping