Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints
Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints.
Losing Myself in the Lap of Nature (2020)
48 in x 60 in, Acrylic on Canvas
Bodi Brikkha (Undated)
6 in x 4 in, Watercolor, Oil Pastel, Sketch Pen on Post Card*Price of original artwork including shipping
Her beauty (2015)
17 in x 15 in, Mixed media on canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
Iemanjá (2017)
11,7 in x 8,3 in, Watercolor on paper*Price of original artwork including shipping
Maha Vishnu I (2019)
38 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas*Price of original artwork including shipping
A Lady in Bright Summer (2021)
13.5 in x 17.5 in, Acrylic on PaperBy Sagnik Roy
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Welcome Home Daddy
25 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Illustration BoardBy Wayne George
The dancer (2015)
30 in x 40 in, Acrylic on paperBy Ajay De
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Summer on the C & O Canal
26 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Illustration BoardBy Wayne George
Hornets on the Prowl
38 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Illustration BoardBy Wayne George
Charming Kolkata I (2020)
12 in x 16 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Amlan Dutta
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Mother Nature Approaching
30 in x 22 in, Acrylic on Illustration BoardBy Wayne George