Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Acryllic on Canvas painting titled Mahishasur Mardini

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Mahishasur Mardini (2012)

36 in x 30 in, Acryllic on Canvas

By Ujjwal Debnath

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Glory of Divinity

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The Glory of Divinity (2016)

60 in x 36 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Jagannath Paul

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Poster Paper painting titled Harvest

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Harvest (1992)

30.11 in x 22.24 in, Watercolor on Poster Paper

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil on Acrylic sheet painting titled A Vintage Ride

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A Vintage Ride (2018)

48 in x 36 in, Oil on Acrylic sheet

By Shyamal Mukherjee

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Paper painting titled Woman engrossed in Kantha Stitch

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Woman engrossed in Kantha Stitch (2019)

15 in x 15 in, Watercolor on Paper

By Arpita Basu

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Canvas painting titled Sri Sri Chandi

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Sri Sri Chandi (1984)

36 in x 24 in, Watercolor on Canvas

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 Charcoal on Paper painting titled Majestic Horses II

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Majestic Horses II (2015)

25 in x 19 in, Charcoal on Paper

By Gopal Pal

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic, Ink, Charcoal and Collage on Paper painting titled Untitled
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Untitled (2019)

12 in x 16 in, Acrylic, Ink, Charcoal and Collage on Paper

By Sagnik Roy

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Maha Vishnu I
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Maha Vishnu I (2019)

38 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Chandra Morkonda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Floating Flutist
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The Floating Flutist (2017)

30 in x 60 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Buwa Shete

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on paper painting titled Mary Flower
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Mary Flower (2017)

11,7 in x 8,3 in, Watercolor on paper

By Silvia Kimo Costa

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic and Ink on Canvas painting titled Les musiciens
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Les musiciens (2014)

24 in x 24 in, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas

By isabelle babington

Charcoal & Conte on Paper painting titled Owl
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Owl (2011)

10 in x 7 in, Charcoal & Conte on Paper

By Shuvaprasanna

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on handmade paper.      painting titled āĻ•ā§ƒāĻˇāĻžāĻŖā§€ āĻ° āĻ¸ā§āĻ–
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āĻ•ā§ƒāĻˇāĻžāĻŖā§€ āĻ° āĻ¸ā§āĻ– (2020)

15" in x 22" in, Watercolour on handmade paper.

By Mahfuza khanoum.

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Courageous Crusaders IV
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Courageous Crusaders IV (2016)

34 in x 44 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Dilip Chaudhury

Mixed Media painting titled Untitled VI
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Untitled VI (2001)

48 in x 36 in, Mixed Media

By Jayanta Mondal

Acrylic on canvas painting titled For each other
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For each other (2016)

23 in x 12 in, Acrylic on canvas

By N.P.Pandey

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Poster Paper painting titled Hunger
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Hunger (1992)

30 in x 22 in, Watercolor on Poster Paper

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor, Oil Pastel, Sketch Pen on Post Card painting titled A Moonlit Evening
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A Moonlit Evening (1972)

6 in x 4 in, Watercolor, Oil Pastel, Sketch Pen on Post Card

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Poster Paper painting titled Rama Krishna Chaitanya
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Rama Krishna Chaitanya (1984)

32 in x 16 in, Watercolor on Poster Paper

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Flutist & His Admirers II
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The Flutist & His Admirers II (2015)

24 in x 20 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Arya Chandra Chowdhury

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on paper painting titled Ganesha II
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Ganesha II (2000)

10.5 in x 9.5 in, Watercolor on paper

By Ganesh Basu

*Price of original artwork including shipping