Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Oil on Canvas painting titled After Morning Prayers

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After Morning Prayers (2018)

55 in x 55 in, Oil on Canvas

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed Media on Canvas painting titled Memories of My Love I

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Memories of My Love I (2017)

30 in x 36 in, Mixed Media on Canvas

By Chandan Mishra

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Gouache on Paper painting titled Ganesha II

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Ganesha II (2013)

22 in x 16 in, Gouache on Paper

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas painting titled The red poppy

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The red poppy (2015)

36 in x 36 in, Charcoal & Acrylic on canvas

By Kanchanmala Ghosh

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil on Acrylic sheet painting titled A Royal Ride

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A Royal Ride (2016)

36 in x 36 in, Oil on Acrylic sheet

By Shyamal Mukherjee

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Fascinating Streets of India I

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The Fascinating Streets of India I (2013)

24 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Arpan Bhowmik

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Direct Tube on Hard Drawing Sheet painting titled Sahojiya Ramakrishna

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Sahojiya Ramakrishna (1991)

13.5 in x 22.5 in, Direct Tube on Hard Drawing Sheet

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Joyous Celebrations of Sindhoor Khela
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The Joyous Celebrations of Sindhoor Khela (2019)

30 in x 36 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Subrata Gangopadhyay

*Price of original artwork including shipping

watercolor painting titled Vermillion
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Vermillion (2015)

15 inch in x 11 inch in, watercolor

By Tapos Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Water Color on Drawing Sheet painting titled The Advent of Vivekananda
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The Advent of Vivekananda (1996)

22 in x 15 in, Water Color on Drawing Sheet

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Fascinating Streets of India III
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The Fascinating Streets of India III (2013)

36 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Arpan Bhowmik

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled The Silent City I
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The Silent City I (2019)

24 in x 30 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Fawad Tamkanat

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on handmade paper.      painting titled মুগ্ধতা
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মুগ্ধতা (2016)

15" in x 10.5 in, Watercolour on handmade paper.

By Mahfuza khanoum.

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Mud Huts
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Mud Huts

11 in x 15 in

By Tapos Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Graphite / Strathmore 300 painting titled Carolina Queen
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Carolina Queen (2014)

10 in x 8 in, Graphite / Strathmore 300

By Patricia Wilt

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Mixed media on canvas painting titled The Butterfly II
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The Butterfly II (2015)

36 in x 36 in, Mixed media on canvas

By Amiya Bhattacharya

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Beautiful Couple - I
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Beautiful Couple - I (2019)

36 in x 18 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Subrata Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil and arcylic on canvas painting titled A Picture of Grace
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A Picture of Grace (2015)

40 in x 30 in, Oil and arcylic on canvas

By Amit Bhar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on Paper painting titled Sadhus at the Varanasi Ghats II
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Sadhus at the Varanasi Ghats II (2020)

20 in x 24 in, Watercolour on Paper

By Amlan Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolour on paper painting titled Bird
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Bird (1964)

7 in x 10 in, Watercolour on paper

By Suhas Roy

*Price of original artwork including shipping

arcylic on canvas painting titled Young Radha & Krishna
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Young Radha & Krishna (2015)

20 in x 24 in, arcylic on canvas

By Asit Sarkar

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Water Color on Drawing Sheet, Unframed painting titled Ram Leela
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Ram Leela (Undated)

22 in x 15 in, Water Color on Drawing Sheet, Unframed

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

arcylic on canvas painting titled Jai Hanuman II
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Jai Hanuman II (2009)

52 in x 36 in, arcylic on canvas

By Anand Panchal

*Price of original artwork including shipping