Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Uninhibited Celebrations of Holi

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Uninhibited Celebrations of Holi (2018)

30 in x 36 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Subrata Gangopadhyay

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Kolkata Nostalgia - IV

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Kolkata Nostalgia - IV (2020)

12 in x 10 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Amlan Dutta

 painting titled The Storm

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The Storm

12 in x 10 in

By Tapos Das

Soft Pastel on Paper painting titled Prayers of Peace

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Prayers of Peace (2016)

27 in x 19 in, Soft Pastel on Paper

By Sanatan Dinda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Composition with Dogs

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Composition with Dogs

21.5 in x 27 in

By Shuvaprasanna

Mixed Media on paper painting titled Stallions in Action - X
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Stallions in Action - X (2019)

14 in x 22 in, Mixed Media on paper

By Gopal Pal

*Price of original artwork including shipping

alcohol ink,acrylic paint on plastic on wood frame painting titled Leviathan
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Leviathan (2015)

34 in x 33 in, alcohol ink,acrylic paint on plastic on wood frame

By Ed Coffey

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled An Illuminated Indian Street in Monsoons
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An Illuminated Indian Street in Monsoons (2019)

28 in x 50 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Tejinder Kanda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Markin Cloth painting titled The Kite Flyer
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The Kite Flyer (1991)

18.89 in x 23.81 in, Watercolor on Markin Cloth

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

charcoal and arcylic on canvas painting titled Sisters
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Sisters (2015)

25 in x 25 in, charcoal and arcylic on canvas

By Kanchanmala Ghosh

*Price of original artwork including shipping

oil on canvas painting titled A badami couple I
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A badami couple I (2015)

30 in x 20 in, oil on canvas

By JMS Mani

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Ganesha in Pink
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Ganesha in Pink

15.75 in x 19.68 in

By Panchugopal Dutta

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Siva & Nandi
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Siva & Nandi (2019)

38 in x 24 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Chandra Morkonda

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Oil on canvas painting titled Martial Arts Practice
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Martial Arts Practice (2016)

16 in x 20 in, Oil on canvas

By Angela Hedderick

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Beautiful Couple - II
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Beautiful Couple - II (2019)

36 in x 18 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By Subrata Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled After the rain
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After the rain

11 in x 15 in

By Tapos Das

*Price of original artwork including shipping

Watercolor on Poster Paper painting titled Through The Forest
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Through The Forest (1990)

8 in x 3.5 in, Watercolor on Poster Paper

By Pranab Barat

*Price of original artwork including shipping

 painting titled Ruby Returns to Stardust
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Ruby Returns to Stardust (2016)

By Kathy Lynch

Acrylic on Canvas painting titled Oleron
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Oleron (2006)

16 in x 20 in, Acrylic on Canvas

By isabelle babington

*Price of original artwork including shipping