Original Paintings. Museum Quality Prints.
Tapas graduated in Painting with a First Class First from Govt. College of Art & Craft, Kolkata, 1989; and received his post graduate in Painting from Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi (First Class). His Varanasi works reflect a temporal and spiritual dimension. The pastel shaded images are semblances of an isolated image of what the artist perceives beneath the bustling activities there. His current series of paintings create meditative structural spaces, melancholic in nature which enter into the inner realm of reality and extract a kind of mystic, melodic silence.
The Aura of Benares (2015)
54 in x 42 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Aura of Varanasi- III (2015)
40 in x 30 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Structure I (2004)
32 in x 30 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Kashi I-IV (2016)
12 in x 12 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
The Aura of Varansi III (2015)
32 in x 46 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Portrait (2015)
12 in x 12 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping
Portrait II (2015)
12 in x 12 in, Acrylic on CanvasBy Tapas Ghosal
*Price of original artwork including shipping